Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Bye bye" remix - Jin feat Jasper

Last week, I made a remix version of Mariah's "Byebye" with Hong Jin. I sang vocal backups and he sang lead. Then - mix it down into something less thoughtful. I wish that it would sound right, so I let some people hear ..

Here are their comments =

Boon Jing : " problem is u 2 voice ...canot combine in the song ...
when i hear your voice is ok .... n nice somore .... but sudenlly + jin voice ...... like a kampung boy sundely go to street dance , but when i just hear jin voice ...u voice like ..... vry ..... sleepy ....

Sheng Wei: " Nice .. but Jin english not so good.."

Sheng Rui: " Jin's voice like Michael Jackson, but he's voice more man .."

My dad : " Jin's voice nice .. and special."

My mom: " U two sing , can know is chinese ppl singing. The pronunction very chinese- like ... Jin's voice not bad... especially the front.

My conclusion : Anyway Jin's the lead, I'm just the back-up. Thx Jin ... we will become a boyband one day !!! haha

2 statement:

fer said...

oo.. the songs great.. but jin needs to improve on singing.. u sounded like rnb raper/singer.. xD
keep it up..
n lol'xz.. i oso wan make song.. xD

Qin said...

erm..i think both of u got unique bro n i felt ur voice is suit 2 b raper as 'english man'...then jin's voice is great coz can release 'magnetic waves'...