Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year ~~~ :)

Happy New Year Guys and Girls !!

  • Have a bleesed year. God bless all of you
  • Say Good Bye to 2008 .. sob T.T
  • Prosper and be Healthy
Some memories of 2008

This boyband is better than fei Lun hai

Graduate from High School - ~~~ so sad ..T.T

" Zhang zhang" is sitting beside Jay Chou

5 silly ppl in Genting .. AND one is Missing

Bye bye sri titwangsa .. bye bye ~~ my teenage memories - Now preparing to step into adulthood ... Help ~~ Help


2008 ~~~

Monday, December 8, 2008

Last month of the year

Last month of the year ... I summed up all my activities

7 DEC - attend Aroul and Catherine wedding.
8 DEC - Uncle Tony thanksgiving Part'ay
17-19 - Genting Trip wif Frens
24 - Xmas Parta'y
25 - Go to Ipoh
27 - Go to Penang
31 - Countdown ??

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.

I beg myself not to be boring, but I end up being bored. To your own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day, you cannot then be false to anyone. That is why I want to be neither a somebody, nobody or a anybody.

Time and the hour run through the roughest day. And this above all to oneself be true. So I left a few lines to be said, to anyone I've hurt - that I am sorry for what I've done.